Technical Tip 3: Disable Image Data Type on After Save

In this section, we will see how to disable the image data type once the item is saved

Use Case: "User wants to disable the thumbnail once the CAD document is saved in ARAS"

You can use below code snippet to perform this action

Hook: This method should be attached to the CAD Document Form

if (!document.thisItem.getAttribute("isTemp")) 
    getFieldByName("thumbnail").getElementsByClassName("sys_view_file_link")[0].innerText = '';
    getFieldByName("thumbnail").getElementsByClassName("thumbnail")[0].setAttribute("style", "pointer-events: none;");


In this section, we will see how to update the relationship label to show the count of the relationship data in any tabs.

Use Case: "I want have the functionality to have the relationship label updated with total item counts on each tab"

ARAS Version: Release 25 Build


  1. This method can be hooked to any item types of ARAS.




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