Use Case 11: Customizable Save As Functionality in ARAS

In this section, we will see how to Save As functionality can be managed through the configuration to allow the user to decide which relationships to copy, which properties to copy and who can perform the Save As Action

Use Case: "As a Developer / Administrator, I want have the option to configure the Save As functionality to define what properties / relationships item to copy and who can perform this action"

ARAS Version: Release 25 Build


Administrator can create a new Save As Config item for any item type

Step 1: Navigate to Administration -> Save As Config

Step 2: Create New

Step 3: Select the Item Type you want to configure the Save As (Example: Part)

Step 4: Click Save As

Step 5: System will auto populate the available properties and relationships of selected item type (System properties and read only relationships are auto ignored)

Step 6: By default, all the properties and relationships the properties will be auto selected for Save As

Step 7: Select the properties and relationships you don't want to copy as part of Save As

Step 8: Add the identity group you want to allow to perform the Save As action

Step 9: Save and Unlock the config

Step 10: Promote the item to Active State


Step 1: Navigate to Design -> Parts

Step 2: Search for Part and perform Save As

Result: System should empty the properties and relationships as per the Save As Configuration


Source Code: (Yet to uploaded)



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